My love of nature and the ocean began in Cape May, New Jersey.  While visiting my grandparents, I enjoyed the days building drip sand castles and collecting Cape May diamonds at the point across from the sunken cement ship.  The beach is loaded with colorful baby clam shells and tiny pastel pebbles, which can be polished.  Some are cut and faceted for jewelry.

         Arriving in South Florida in 1987, I found its beaches loaded with treasures.  My husband Scot, a Florida native, guided me around the state while racing our Hobie 16 sailboat. We spotted turtles, stingrays, dolphins and manatees in the water and began some awesome beach combing.  Every beach differs, from the texture of its sand to the items found there. We have discovered a large variety of empty shells, sea glass, lobster trap floats and amazing sea beans.  The sea beans are so beautiful and rare to find.  After a few hurricanes were we able to collect enough to fashion into jewelry for our dear friends.

         We are excited to share our lucky finds and designs with everyone.  Each piece has a unique earthy quality and is hand created with love.
